Grow your business with Horego

Claim and manage your business page to get discovered.

  • icon check

    Update your business informations

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    Optimize your business categories

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    Build positive reputation

Why Horego

Horego makes it easy to connect with new customers, build online presence, and manage a positive reputation.

why 1

Help people get to know you, better

Get in front of more customers when they’re searching for local businesses like yours. Manage your page for free or upgrade to stand out from the competition.

why 2

Get more leads for your business

Having a strong presence on Horego helps you establish trust with potential customers. Create appealing promotions to convert your page views to online orders or foot traffic.

why 3

Get more business from your regulars

Having stronger relationship with your customers helps you grow your business effectively. Run meaningful customers engagement to bring back your regulars.

Happy Merchants
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Horego makes it easy to connect with new customers and grow your business.

Get discovered on search results
Choose categories, services, and facilities that are relevant to your business so the right customers can find you when they search.
Showcase business details
Manage your business address & location, contact, opening hours, and any additional information to get connected with customers.
Update cover images and photos
Display the best cover images to attract customers to click on your business page. Upgrade to Starter or Premium to upload more appealing photos.
Ratings & reviews
Receive ratings and reviews to build a positive reputation on Horego. For Starter and Premium subscription, you can respond to ratings and reviews from your customers.
Monitor business performance
Use essential data & analytics to help improve your business by learning the activities of users that visit your page.
Utilize digital ordering
Implement QR & digital ordering for your Dine In, Take Away, and Delivery Customers to increase revenue. Get these benefits by upgrading to Premium.
Improve customer relationship management
Build relationships with your existing and potential customers to optimize profitability. Get this feature from Premium plan.
Get special badges
Differentiate and showcase your business' unique characteristics by applying special badges on your place detail. Subscribe to Starter or Premium to apply special badges.

Let’s start! It should only take a few minutes.